Some Of The Best Topwater Lures For Bass

The only thing sweeter to a fisherman then seeing a bass strike.  Is them jumping to try and free the hook that you have set in there mouth. Topwater lures are known for causing this adrenaline rush and producing some great action when it comes to catching bass....
Arizona Dog Days Of Summer

Arizona Dog Days Of Summer

What is the best way to bass in the summertime?  That’s easy!! 110 Degrees is no match for my way of fishing in the summer. Drive down to the local store that has bass and pick out a nice one take it home and cook it up!! Really? Where the adventure in that no...
North Carolina Bass Fishing

North Carolina Bass Fishing

Those who live in North Carolina love to brag about their lakes and how they make fishing a great hobby. When you start to pile things up, it becomes noticeable right away that there are some “kissing cousins” among bass lakes in the Tar Heel State of...
Arizona Bass Fishing

Arizona Bass Fishing

Arizona bass fishing is an awesome experience regardless what experience level you are. While those that are new to bass fishing will have a definite challenge the fish offer an outstanding trip nearly every time. Bass fishing is only one of the many adventures you...
Bass Fishing and having a big catch

Bass Fishing and having a big catch

Want to learn more about bass fishing? Are you catching less bass because of using the wrong lure?   You can finally learn how to do it the right way. There are many books as well as web sites on the internet which can help you can information in bass fishing and...