A fishing and camping adventure is very

popular recreational sport in Arizona.

During the long hot days of summer every weekend or free chance that folks from the valley have they head up north to the high country ” White Mountains”. It is like a paradise for fishing and camping enthusiasts because of the existence of a large number of characteristically different lakes in this region.

Here are some tips for high altitude fishing in Arizona.

Always remember to obtain fishing permit from Arizona State authorities before you embark on the fishing trip. It is so much easier know that you can purchase them online in a matter of minutes 24/7.

You can get fish in all seasons; but summer is the best bet because most of these locations are stocked on a regular basis by Arizona Game and Fish. In the  winter some of the water tends to freeze in high altitude lakes and streams the fish tend to go deep down the lakes. They normally return to top only when the temperatures rise again.

Remember the Monsoons!! Always keep updated about the weather conditions. Yep the monsoon season begins on June 15 and ends on September 30. When it comes to the white mountains it can be a casual storm but usually it comes in with a vengeance, quick and hard and have been known to actually circle back around for a second pass. During this time frame you should be prepared to to take shelter on higher ground, inside because it usually encompasses a lot of lightning. The rough weather conditions can produce ice or hail causing the temperature to plummet drastically. So ideally, one should wear suitable clothes and carry appropriate equipment. Other useful items like rubber shoes and sun cream should be carried by the anglers.

You should always have a good understanding of your health and others going with you when going for high altitude fishing. You should be ready for the extreme if there is doubt then postpone it till the time is right, don’t risk putting yourself or someone from your party in a bad situation. You are more likely to suffer health problems in high altitude.

Patience, that great virtue in many occasions in life, is a much needed ally in high altitude fishing also. Also one should understand that high altitude lakes in Arizona and elsewhere are usually crystal clear. That means you can see the fish and, more importantly, the fish can see you too. So you should not make any noises even while walking, so that you do not frighten the fish away.