The Fourth of July is a day for fireworks and cookouts.

But we should take the time to also appreciate the deeper meaning of Independence Day.

Reflecting back to 1775 the 13 American colonies were bound under the control of Great Britain which started a war which we all know as the revolutionary war.  After a year of fighting the 2nd continental congress took a vote to officially declare their independence from British rule.

Where we could be free and in charge of our own government.

So on June 11th 1776 a group was assigned to write a document to explain why they were claiming their independence.

This was the founding of the United States of America an unprecedented achievement of enormous moral and practical significance.

America was the first and only nation founded on the idea that your life belongs,

Click on the Declaration to read these words for yourself.

not to a king…… or to the pope…… or to the state,

but to you to pursue your values, your happiness.

The Founders believed it was the government’s job to protect this rights ( Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness) On July 4, we celebrate the Founders’ vision of the sovereign individual who is free to live by his own independent judgment and to pursue his own life and happiness.

Take the time and read the document for what an amazing document it is.

Enjoy your day!