Want to get away from the dog days of summer hot temps.

Head up to Ontario, here is some upcoming bass fishing tournaments.

Bass fishing is really exciting and thrilling knowing how big the bass is you have caught. Many people involves themselves in bass fishing, so the more the people catching bass, the more the competition you have for the heaviest bass caught. Many places in the whole world have an activity of bass fishing tournaments for them to be known and to record the biggest bass existing on earth.

The tournaments are about luck, only God can say who can catch the largest bass present in the battlefield. Body flexibility is needed in the competition for carrying, and long stamina should be acquired by the players so that they can last the natures’ test. And the most important thing that the player should have is the skills and experience in bass fishing, this two is the key of success by each players. This will help them on how they will act and set up strategies on the tournaments.

There are many active tournaments in Northwestern Ontario. They are huge tournaments you can participate in, like the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship on Rainy Lake or the KBI on Lake of the Woods.


Shoal Lake Bass Classic Tournament occurs in the 1st weekend in July held on Shoal Lake, Ontario. This is the primary fishery in the region with schools of Smallmouths that have never seen a lure before. Smallmouths usually win this tournament, but big Largemouths can be a factor. The winning weight for this two day tournament is usually in the 32-34 pound range.

Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship is help every 3rd week in July. This is Canada’s Largest Live Release Cash Bass Tournament, with a total of $82,500.00 in cash prizes. With a $20,000 first prize, this event on Rainy Lake attracts many of the best bass fishermen from all over North America.. The winning weight for this three day event is usually in the 55 pound range. The tournament first ran in 1995 and has been growing in size and recognition ever since.

Kenora Bass International (KBI) happened every 2nd week in August. This event on Lake of the Woods offers a $30,000 first prize. Anglers here have the opportunity to fish for largemeouths or smallmouths. Largemouths have won the tournament more than smallmouths over the last few years. If the water is high, largest will win, if it is low, smallmouths will be more of a factor. The winning weight for this three day event will be in the 45-50 pound range.

Anyone who likes fishing can enter the competition. The Atikokan Bass Classic is known as the “funniest bass tourney in the Northwest”.

There are lots of tournaments that are happening all around the globe, so take a look at what might be happening in your neck of the woods.